Autism Coaching

Autism Coaching- What is this? How does it Work?

In my coaching practice, I use specialist Coaching Interventions that enhance skill development and empowerment of young adults with Diagnosis of Autism

Example of Intervention: Challenging Negative Beliefs of the SELF

Many people on the Autism spectrum tend to be internally referenced. This means that they get more information from their own internal frame of reference rather than what they see, hear, or pick up externally. This in turn leads to thought distortions. A possible example; young person walks down the street and thinks other people look at him/her and judge them negatively  when there is no basis for  this thought pattern.

I use different coaching techniques to challenge these internal belief distortions that often lead to mal-adaptive behaviours if unchecked

Some Examples of Coaching tools that work with individuals:

  • Use of Journalling to identify negative thought patterns
  • Taking ownership of distortions
  • Reframing thought patterns
  • Use of  specialist coaching tools/exercises to reframe internalised  belief patterns
  • Use of Role play and practice of new belief systems

If you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to contact me at


I would like to share a special poem with you all. It is called “Attitude” and it has been my guiding light through life. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I respond/react to it.


“The longer I live the more I realise

The impact attitude has on life.

Attitude, to me is more important than facts,

It is more important than the past,

than education,

than money,

than circumstances,

than failures,

than successes,

than what other people think or say,

or do.

It is more important than appearance,

giftedness, or skill.

It will make or break a company

..a home….A relationship.

The remarkable thing is

that in awareness, we have a

choice every day regarding

the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past, we cannot predict the future

we cannot change the fact

that people will act in a certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do

is play on the one thing we have,

and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is

10% what happens to me

And 90% how I respond/react to it.

And it is with all..

we are in charge so of our good ship ATTITUDES”